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Effective Communication in the Project Environment

Communication is essential in everyday life, and more than ever a crucial point in project management. That’s why SYNTHEX Consulting offers you a Workshop dedicated to the art of communication in Project Management for anyone involved in the managing and delivering of projects. The workshop will be very interactive with several exercises, role play scenarios and practical applications to allow participants to be able to put theory into practice during the session. The emphasis is on how to use different communications tools throughout the various stages of Project Management. This workshop prepares members of Project Teams to understand, be understood and share meaning throughout the life of a project.

À propos de cette formation

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À partir de 0€ HT

2 jours

14 heures

Action de formation

Éligible OPCO

En savoir plus

Objectifs pédagogiques
  • Learn the essentials of communication necessary to work on projects both as team members and leaders.
  • Raise their own awareness level of how they are currently communicating and ensure that the intention behind their statements is being perceived in the correct manner.
  • Be able to pair the communication techniques learned with specific parts of the project management process.
  • Understand the need to communicate effectively in negotiating resources, task duration and dependencies when planning.
  • Refreshed and further developed their questioning and active listening skills to allow them to be recognized as a valuable resource in the project team.
  • Identify specific ways to build trust and rapport – not only with team members but also with other stakeholders in the project environment.
  • Learn why assertive behavior in a project environment is a key to project success.
  • Recognize that we all have different behavioral styles and preferences – to be successful we need to identify and adapt behaviors to ensure successful implementation.
Contenu de la formation
  • What is the role of communication and why is it so important for us in Project Management?
  • The Five Axioms of Communication according to Watzlawik
    • How is inaction when communication perceived?
    • What is the impact of the content and the relationship aspect of a message?
    • How do we listen for meaning when communicating and which pitfalls do we need to recognize and avoid?
    • To what extent do both verbal and non-verbal aspects of communication influence interpretation?
    • How powerful assertive communication is (speaking at the same level and not in a hierarchical manner) and how it can lead to consensus building and project success.
  • You will learn the theory behind each of the axioms and are encouraged to use them through exercises, discussions and practical applications related to the different phases of the project management process.
  • You will participate in experiential learning exercises to develop effective communication and team building skills which helps team members to recognize problems caused with imprecise communication and language.
  • You will build and refresh effective questioning and listening techniques. This will provide you with a methodology to better understand the meaning of the message being communicated.
  • You will learn how to build rapport with others in the team to build trust.
  • Assertiveness skills will provide you with a proven method to get your message across without being too pushy and without giving in. Learn the value of open and honest conversations to achieve results.
  • By recognizing your own and others’ personality styles, you can learn to adapt your own style situationally. You will become more aware of the impact your own style has on others in the project team and be better able to work collaboratively.

L'organisme de formation

SYNTHEX Consulting

Cabinet de conseil et formation

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Public concerné

  • Designed for non-Project Managers & Project Managers
  • Knowledge of the essentials of Project Management Methodology

Conditions d'accès



6 à 12 places

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