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GLOBAL AWARENESS - 8 hours (virtual or onsite) avec TransPerfect Training Solutions

Accompanying Managers and Employees working with international teams

À propos de cette formation



À partir de 1 850€ HT

4 jours

8 heures

Action de formation

Éligible OPCO

Chiffres clés


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Qualité de la formation

Taux de satisfaction à chaud : 9 / 10


Date de création

En savoir plus

Objectifs pédagogiques

  • Develop a heightened understanding of intercultural challenges and issues and the way in which they impact managerial efficiency and performance when running meetings, leading teams, negotiating and organizing work schedules at the international level…etc.
  • Identify and understand one’s own personal preferences in the workplace and be capable of gauging other frameworks of reference.
  • Understand counterparts and colleagues who do not share the same framework of reference and may have opposing orientations.
  • Adapting behavior via styles switching and cultural dialogue where appropriate with a view to increasing intercultural communication efficiency and performance.
Contenu de la formation
  • Presentation of the Program and Training objectives & Trainees' Expectations:
    • Highlighting participant awareness of cultural differences and their impact in the workplace without being country or organizational specific
    • Providing an overview of those elements underpinning culture and providing a framework of non-judgmental vocabulary for framing differences
    • Providing keys for decoding different behavioral and communications styles
    • Individual presentations and training expectations
    • Sharing with the group, a personal experience or an intercultural “glitch”
  • Laying the Foundations
    • The different levels of culture: National, individual, functional, and organizational.
    • Stereotypes and generalizations and how they influence us.
    • The “iceberg” analogy
    • How culture drives and conditions both individual and collective behavior and communication styles
    • Impact of values, norms, perceptions, beliefs, religion…etc. in the working environment
  • Cultural Model in Action
    • Defining one’s own framework of reference and understanding others
    • Leveraging a competitive advantage by understanding both sides of the equation in intercultural orientations and knowing when to styles switch or engage in intercultural non-judgmental dialogue
    • Avoiding intercultural pitfalls by widening one’s own comfort zones and skill set
    • Calling attention to the extent of gaps between individual cultural profiles and the cultural expectations of the audience.
    • Presentation of the cultural orientations
    • How they impact behavior and communication styles in the workplace
    • Identifying one's own individual cultural style
    • Being able to ascertain a partner’s frame of reference
    • Defining the profile of a team whose task is to collaborate effectively
    • Call attention to the extent of gaps between individual cultural profiles and the cultural expectations of the audience
  • Culture in Action
    • How culture impacts and influences our approach to management and leadership styles in different cultural contexts: Latin / Germanic / Anglo-Saxon / Middle-Eastern and Asian cultures
    •  Running and participating in meetings, Making, validating, and communicating decisions, Structuring and presenting ideas and projects, Information flow, losing face, Empowering and delegating Approach to risk and ambiguity.
    • Pair work: establishing gaps and strategies for reducing via styles switching or intercultural dialogue
    • Individual profile gap analysis and selected targeted country comparisons
    • Placing selected countries and other chosen country focuses within the dimensions. Highlighting major differences with cultural target groups. Plus, insight into wider scope applications with other countries/cultures.
    • Application and transfer of findings to the company environment: In break-out groups. Identifying Gaps, consequences, and strategies for resolving within the company environment/ context
    • Subgroup findings reported and presented for discussion in plenary session
    • Group analysis of one or several case studies concerning a “cultural clash” along selected dimensions and with one of the focus countries involved
  • Gapsmoov Model in Application
    • Understanding one’s own orientations/preferences
    • How they impact behavior and communication styles in the workplace
    • National /corporate /functional and sectorial orientations focus
  • Wrap-up
    • Keys to acquiring a flexible, adaptable global mindset
    • Action plan: establishing individual & collective intercultural action plans according to individual or country “strong / very strong dimensions” and those countries most frequently worked with
    • Training evaluation

L'organisme de formation

TransPerfect Training Solutions

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Public concerné

  • All managers and employees exposed to the international business world and who wish to increase their levels of understanding, performance and efficiency and becoming international and when facing intercultural challenges.


  • None

Conditions d'accès



1 à 10 places

Plus qu'une formation !

Équipe pédagogique

Subject matter experts in the local business culture

Objectifs pédagogiques

  • Access to our online platform for the whole duration of the training period. Possibility to access important cultural information about the target culture as well as take additional training modules on the target culture.

Découvrez ce programme en vidéo !

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