Devis Demander un devis

Private French lessons avec INTERNATIONAL HOUSE NANCY


Our FLE immersion program is designed to offer a complete and enriching learning experience for learners of all levels. We offer different learning formulas, enabling our participants to experience and learn French in an authentic and stimulating environment. One-to-one French lessons are the best way to make progress in French, as the teacher can focus 100% on your needs and work on the aspects of the language you need to improve. More effective than group classes, private lessons are truly tailor-made to meet your personal objectives. One- to-one lessons with our expert teachers are guaranteed to improve your French and meet your expectations. PR 45€ / lesson PR10 439€ (10 private lessons) PR20 849€ (20 private lessons) Course available in face-to-face or distance learning formats Skills Improvement Index : 7,5/10

À propos de cette formation

Lieux sur devis

À partir de 0€ HT

Durée sur devis

Action de formation

Éligible OPCO

Chiffres clés


Très bien

Qualité de la formation

Taux de satisfaction à chaud : 10 / 10

Taux de satisfaction à froid : 7 / 10


Impact de la formation

Taux de réussite : 100%

Impact à 3 mois : 78%


Date de création

Note générale de la formation
8 votants

En savoir plus

Objectifs pédagogiques

  • Language skills: Improve oral and written skills, as well as comprehension and expression in French.
  • Cultural skills: Familiarize learners with French culture, traditions and customs.
  • Specific aims: To achieve the desired levels according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) - A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2.
Contenu de la formation
  • Oral Interaction
    • Beginner (A1-A2) : Introduce yourself, greet, ask simple questions, answer basic questions, express everyday needs.
    • Intermediate (B1-B2): Participate in conversations on familiar topics, express opinions, ask for and give advice, relate personal experiences.
    • Advanced (C1-C2): Lead in-depth discussions, argue coherently, debate complex issues, use idiomatic expressions.
  • Oral Expression
    • Beginner (A1-A2): Pronounce French sounds correctly, read simple sentences aloud, give short descriptions.
    • Intermediate (B1-B2): Tell stories, make short presentations, explain projects or ideas.
    • Advanced (C1-C2): Give detailed presentations, explain abstract concepts, express yourself with ease and precision.
  • Oral comprehension
    • Beginner (A1-A2): Understand simple instructions, short announcements and basic dialogues.
    • Intermediate (B1-B2): Understand everyday conversations, simple news reports and stories.
    • Advanced (C1-C2): Understand lectures, debates, films without subtitles, discussions on specialized topics.
  • Reading comprehension
    • Beginner (A1-A2): Read simple sentences, notes, information boards, short texts.
    • Intermediate (B1-B2): Read newspaper articles, letters, short stories, detailed instructions.
    • Advanced (C1-C2): Read essays, scientific articles, novels and complex literary texts.
  • Written expression
    • Beginner (A1-A2): Write simple sentences, postcards and short messages.
    • Intermediate (B1-B2): Write personal letters, formal and informal e-mails, simple reports.
    • Advanced (C1-C2): Write argumentative essays, literary criticism, articles and creative texts.
  • Understanding Social Contexts
    • Beginner (A1-A2): Understand basic rules of politeness and expected behavior in everyday situations.
    • Intermediate (B1-B2): Understand social contexts in a variety of situations, adapt speech to the speaker.
    • Advanced (C1-C2): Analyze complex social situations, use a language register appropriate to each context

L'organisme de formation




Public concerné

  • International Students
  • Language Tourists
  • Teenagers

Conditions d'accès


Our premises are fully accessible to people with reduced mobility. We have provided ramps, elevators and adapted toilets to ensure optimum comfort for all our learners. What's more, we provide detailed information on accessible transport options in the vicinity of our facilities.


1 place

Délai d'accès

2 semaines

Diplôme / Certification

  • By the end of our FLE course at International House Nancy, learners will have acquired a solid command of French, developed fluent communicative skills and deepened their understanding of French culture. They will be autonomous in their learning and have gained the confidence to actively use French in a variety of personal and professional contexts.
  • Issue of a certificate

Plus qu'une formation !

Équipe pédagogique

At International House Nancy, our teaching team is made up of qualified FLE teachers, pedagogical coordinators, language assistants, pedagogical advisors and a dedicated administrative team. Our teachers, with university degrees and significant experience, use modern, communicative methods to deliver dynamic courses. Coordinators ensure program quality and relevance, while native-speaker language assistants enrich learning through conversation workshops. Our pedagogical advisors offer personalized follow-up, and our administrative team provides logistical management and technical support. We are committed to providing inclusive, innovative learning tailored to the individual needs of our learners.

Objectifs pédagogiques

  • Textbooks and teaching aids: We use recognized textbooks in the FLE field, as well as complementary materials such as exercise books, audio CDs, videos and visual aids to reinforce language skills.
  • Online platforms and digital tools: We use online learning platforms and interactive digital tools to provide access to additional content, self-correcting exercises, educational videos and fun activities.
  • Authentic documents: We use authentic documents such as newspaper articles, advertisements, songs, films and TV series to expose learners to the language in real, current contexts.
  • Games and Fun Activities: We integrate board games, role-playing, linguistic puzzles and other fun activities to make learning French more interactive, stimulating and enjoyable.
  • Audio and video support: We use audio recordings and videos to improve listening comprehension, pronunciation and familiarization with accents and linguistic variations
  • Access to Online Resources: We offer access to online resources such as articles, videos, interactive exercises and discussion forums to encourage independent learning and ongoing practice outside the classroom.

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