This comprehensive course covers a wide range of English language skills and topics, from developing conversational abilities to discussing current events, leisure activities, and grammar. With a strong emphasis on grammar, tense usage, and practical communication, you'll be wellequipped to engage in various social and professional situations in English.
À propos de cette formation
À distance
À partir de 30€ HT
3 heures
Action de formation
Éligible OPCO
En savoir plus
- Develop conversational and communication skills in English
- Explore current events and engage in discussions
- Expand your vocabulary related to food, beverages, and leisure activities.
- Gain a better understanding of grammar and tenses in English
- Learn to express plans, arrange meetings, and discuss job-related topics in English.
- 1. Getting to know you
- 2.Whatever makes you happy
- 3.What's in the news
- 4. Eat, drink and be merry
- 5. Looking forward
- 6. The way I see it
- 7. Living history
- 8. Girls and boys
- 9. Time for a story
- 10. Tenses overview
- 11. Free Time
- 12. Let's watch movies
- 13. Determiners
- 14. Arranging to meet
- 15. Jobs
- 16. The world of work
- 17. Just imagine
- 18. Relationship
- 19. Tell me be about it
- 20. Life's great event
- 21. Friends
- 22. Memories
- 23.Wealth
- 24. Change
- 25. Transitive and intransitive
- 26. In the end
L'organisme de formation
Public concerné
- Tous publics
- Aucun Prérequis
Conditions d'accès
Aux personnes à mobilité réduite
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À partir de 30€ HT
Action de formation
Formation éligible OPCO
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À partir de 30€ HT
Action de formation
Formation éligible OPCO
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