The ISO 45001/2018 standard is used to structure an Occupational Health & Safety Management System(OHSMS). It provides companies with guidelines for managing their OHS performance. The aim of this training course is to enable you to take full possession of the content of the requirements, to structure the deployment within your company and to harmonise your OHS Policy with your implementation. Certification is beneficial for a company in terms of its brand image and attractiveness to customers and potential business partners. If you are planning to develop a CSR approach, the social component is an essential part of it. This course is designed to give you the keys to reading this international standard, so that you can better understand the requirements. ALL OUR E-LEARNING COURSES CAN BE COMPLETED AT THE LEARNER'S CONVENIENCE (ACCESS TO TRAINING BETWEEN 3 AND 12 MONTHS). YOU CAN SUPPLEMENT YOUR E-LEARNING WITH PERSONALISED DEBRIEFINGS WITH OUR EXPERT TRAINERS.
À propos de cette formation
À distance
À partir de 0€ HT
1 heure
Action de formation
Éligible OPCO
En savoir plus
Objectifs pédagogiques
- Review the main principles of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
- Explain the issues related to Health, Safety and Working Conditions
- Illustrating the convergence of ISO standards, via the ‘HLS’ structure (High Level Structure)
- Examine the requirements of ISO 45001/2018
- Illustrate these requirements with concrete examples from the field
Context of ISO 45001 version 2018
- Les enjeux du management de la SSCT
- The challenges of OHS management
- The principle of continuous improvement
Module 2
- Ch. 4 - Organisational context
- Chap. 5 - Leadership and workers' participation
- Chap. 6 - Planning actions and objectives
- Chap. 7 - Support, rawareness and consciousness
Module 3
- Chap. 8 - Operation
Module 4
- Chap. 9 - Performance evaluation
- Chap. 10 - Improvement
L'organisme de formation
Public concerné
- HSE managers, occupational health and safety auditors, anyone with knowledge of OHS management who wants to learn more.
- None
Conditions d'accès
We are here to help you with any disability situation that requires training to be adapted.
Délai d'accès
1 jour
Plus qu'une formation !
Équipe pédagogique
Objectifs pédagogiques
- Videos
- Learner materials (pdf)
Découvrez ce programme en vidéo !
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E-LEARNING ISO 45001/2018
À partir de 0€ HT
Action de formation
Formation éligible OPCO
Options de formation
Atelier - La Fresque du Numérique
À partir de 800€ HT
Action de formation par l'apprentissage
Formation éligible OPCO
Options de formation