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Project Communication Skills

Communication is essential in everyday life, and more so than ever in Project Management. That's why SYNTHEX Consulting suggests a workshop dedicated to the mastery of communication in Project Management for anyone involved in the realization of a project. The highly interactive workshop alternates theory and direct application (exercises, role-playing, video and audio analysis, etc.) to ensure that participants fully understand and assimilate the material during the session. The focus is on how to use various communication techniques during the successive stages of a project, and with different interlocutors. This workshop prepares project team members and managers to deal with the complexity of Communication and to share effectively throughout the life of a project with all stakeholders.

À propos de cette formation

Lieux sur devis

À partir de 0€ HT

2 jours

14 heures

Action de formation

Éligible OPCO

En savoir plus

Objectifs pédagogiques
  • Learn the essential elements of communication to work cohesively on projects as a team member, project leader or manager.
  • Be aware of the current state of communication and make sure that the intention of the words is perceived in the right way and understood.
  • Be able to apply the communication techniques learned throughout the project management process.
  • Understand the need for effective communication at every step of the project.
  • Develop questioning and active listening skills needed to be recognized as a trusted resource within the project team.
  • Know how to decrypt interpersonal relations and become aware of different personalities to facilitate exchanges with the various stakeholders and boost the project team's performance.
  • Learn how to structure and lead meetings according to their objectives and the people involved.
  • Understand the value of positive leadership and know how to adopt the appropriate style in a specific situation to lead the Project to success.
  • Acquire the tools to manage conflict situations and counter resistance.
Contenu de la formation
  • Communicating effectively
    • The importance of communication in project management
    • Understanding perception filters
    • Developing active listening skills
  • Understanding interpersonal relationships
    • Decoding human relationships
    • Understanding and recognizing different personality styles
    • Developing assertiveness to achieve efficiency
  • The art of leading and managing a meeting
    • How to structure a meeting according to its objective(s)
    • Understanding techniques and improving speaking skills
  • Working on Leadership to strengthen team cohesion
    • Knowing and adapting your leadership style to a given situation
    • Strengthening team involvement
    • Giving and receiving feedback
    • Reaching team consensus
  • Conflict management
    • Understanding sources of conflict
    • Managing and resolving conflict using a proven framework
    • Learn how to deal with resistance

L'organisme de formation

SYNTHEX Consulting

Cabinet de conseil et formation

Découvrir l'organisme de formation

Public concerné

  • Designed for project managers and non-managers alike.
  • Knowledge of the essential elements of project management methodology.

Conditions d'accès



4 à 12 places

Plus qu'une formation !

Équipe pédagogique
Nathalie GIGOU - Executive Director - Learning & Education Director Cannelle PETIT - Training & HR Officer
Objectifs pédagogiques
  • Case studies
  • Quizzes
  • Role plays
  • Exercises
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