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Improving oral and written communication in a legal setting avec TransPerfect Training Solutions

Improving participants' skills in oral and written communication in legal English. Our language training will help participants improve their language skills during all their interactions with colleagues and clients in a legal setting.

À propos de cette formation



À partir de 950€ HT

4 jours

6 heures

Training action

Éligible OPCO

En savoir plus

Objectifs pédagogiques
  • Improving oral English in a legal context through the acquisition or the consolidation of specific terminology
  • Improving written correspondence in English in a legal context
  • Acquiring useful expressions and reflexes in English to ensure communication credibility in a legal context
Contenu de la formation
    • Theoretical overview of written language when communicating with lawyers and clients - Introduction/Review of specific terminology, useful grammar, and expressions as well as writing formats (emails, reports..) (55 minutes)
    • Practice: Participants work in sub-groups on dynamic group activities to practice writing and implement newly acquired tactics. (35 minutes)
    • Homework assignment: On TransPerfect's participative online platform, all participants prepare a written assignment (email correspondence).
    • Review of written productions by trainer (10 minutes)
    • Theoretical overview of successful language used during face-to-face meetings and conference calls, with colleagues & clients - Introduction/Review of specific terminology, necessary grammar, and expressions (45 minutes)
    • Practice: Participants work in sub-groups on role-plays & simulations reusing specific expressions, vocabulary, and language strategies. (35 minutes)
    • Homework assignment: On TransPerfect's participative online platform, all participants prepare a written "on-the-phone" scenario presentation linked to their work-specific situation.
    • Review of written productions by trainer (10 minutes)
    • Theoretical overview of language needed when exchanging on the phone with colleagues & clients - Introduction/Review of specific terminology, useful grammar, and expressions. (45 minutes)
    • Practice: Participants work in sub-groups on role-plays & simulations on the phone reusing specific terminology, and expressions. (35 minutes)
    • Homework assignment: On TransPerfect's participative online platform, all participants prepare role-cards on negotiation scenarios.
    • Review of role cards by trainer (10 minutes)
    • Theoretical overview of language needed when negotiating (contracts, payment terms, etc.) with clients - Introduction/Review of specific terminology, useful grammar, and expressions. (35 minutes)
    • Practice: Participants work in sub-groups on negotiation simulations reusing specific terminology, and expressions. (45 minutes)

L'organisme de formation

TransPerfect Training Solutions

Set your language free!

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Public concerné

  • Legal Assistants
  • Paralegals
  • HR
  • Front-desk clerks
  • Financial staff
  • Level B1 minimum on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL)

Conditions d'accès



0 à 36 places

Plus qu'une formation !

Équipe pédagogique
The language trainer is also a Subject Matter Expert in Legal English and Professional Communication
Objectifs pédagogiques
  • Training support will be accessible online on participants' access to the TransPerfect learner extranet.
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  • Action de formation

  • Formation éligible OPCO

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