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ADBB scale referents to support teams in their use of the M-ADBB scale avec HUMAGOGIE

Expert Level 1

OPERATIONAL OBJECTIVES Master the pedagogical skills needed to communicate comfortably on the notion of relational withdrawal and its evaluation within health networks and infant mental health.

À propos de cette formation

À distance

À partir de 790€ HT (Entreprise)

À partir de 590€ HT (Individuel)

30 jours

25 heures

Action de formation

En savoir plus

Objectifs pédagogiques

  • How to introduce the notion of relational withdrawal
  • Research on relational withdrawal and ADBB
  • Know how to use the M-ADBB (Modified Baby Distress Alarm) scale
  • Accompany a group video-making and rating process using this scale
  • At the end of the course, you will be able to : - Support teams in their use of M-ADBB - Communicate on the notion of relational withdrawal - Communicate theoretical knowledge and key research findings
Contenu de la formation
  • Review and rating test
    • Exchange of experience with the M-ADBB and ADBB scales
    • Presentation of recent developments in the notion of relational withdrawal and the use of the ADBB scale
  • Projet fil rouge: study of research on the notion of relational withdrawal and the use of ADBB and M-ADBB with choice of theme:
    • o Relational withdrawal and prematurity o Relational withdrawal/sensitivity and attachment
    • o Relational withdrawal associated with a medical diagnosis o Relational withdrawal and the child's medium/long-term development
    • o Relational withdrawal and parental depression or psychopathology o Relational withdrawal and child protection
  • Group work to introduce the M-ADBB scale and discuss the use of video
    • How to accompany video coding
    • A look back at the red thread project and conclusion

L'organisme de formation


L'humain au coeur de la pédagogie


Prochaines sessions

  • Du 15 sept. 2025 au 23 nov. 2025

Public concerné

  • Medical/social or childcare professional working with babies and their families


  • Be a medical-social or childcare professional working with babies and their families
  • Be trained in the use of the ADBB scale ( level 2 : 65-hour training course) * and have received private certification in the ADBB scale at level 0.80 on the test.

Conditions d'accès


Our training courses are accessible to people with disabilities. Please notify us of your needs (one month before the course) in the tab provided on the pre-registration form. If you meet the pre-requisite criteria and the target audience, we will adapt your welcome and teaching methods.


12 à 50 places

Délai d'accès

2 semaines

Diplôme / Certification

  • A PRIVATE REFEREE CERTIFICATE AT THE M-ADBB LEVEL will be provided, subject to completion of the training course, the required exercises and a commitment to attend the 2 annual follow-up meetings.
  • Valable pour 2 ans

Plus qu'une formation !

Équipe pédagogique

TRAINER: Alexandra Deprez, B-Families, educational manager and trainers Doctorate in psychology, ADBB-certified trainer, expert trainer and educational tutor. Child and adolescent psychologist. Trained in perinatal psychopathology and various attachment assessment tools (CARE-Index, Adult Attachement Interview, Strange Situation, Crowell Procedure, etc.), as well as different modalities of informed attachment and trauma therapy: Theraplay, EMDR, etc. E-training pedagogical engineer. ADMINISTRATIVE TUTOR and LEARNING COMMUNITY MANAGER: Jocelyne Guillon, Director of Humagogie, responsible for pedagogical coordination. E-training pedagogical engineer, Learning Community Manager (management and animation of learning communities) in the field of helping relationships. An expert in social networks and the digital transformation of learning, she has been working for over 25 years with professionals in the medico-social and mental health sectors (public health department in Montreal, Health Canada, Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux, psychotherapy and training centers in France, CNFPT, EHPAD...).

Objectifs pédagogiques

  • For this distance learning course, learning activities are monitored throughout the course by recording connection times on the platform, recording attendance at virtual classes, engaging learners in the learning community and completing the pedagogical activities and exercises required. A PRIVATE REFEREE CERTIFICATE AT THE M-ADBB LEVEL will be provided, subject to completion of the training course, the required exercises and a commitment to attend the 2 annual follow-up meetings.

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