Advanced self training (online)
The ADBB is a scale for assessing relational withdrawal in babies between 0 and 24 months of age, with 8 observation items. It is an observation aid validated by research The objective of the training is to train you in the assessment of relational withdrawal in babies between 0 and 24 months for the purposes of prevention, early detection, research and monitoring under intervention by health, mental health, childhood and protection personnel. from childhood. Why learn to assess relational withdrawal? Withdrawal is a major component of the baby’s response to the altered relationship that occurs during the still-face experience or clinically during maternal depression. Withdrawal behaviour is also one of the most stable during development, despite the major changes that occur in the first three years of life. Early relational withdrawal behaviour is therefore an important warning signal. The baby’s defensive repertoire is indeed initially quite limited, and focuses mainly on protest and withdrawal. Withdrawal is more difficult to detect than protest, and yet it occurs in many situations of early psychopathology, in an overt or incidental way, whether it is a condition caused initially by a relational disorder, or by an organic disorder, as in intense and long-lasting pain. What is ADBB? The ADBB scale is an 8-item scale for assessing relational withdrawal in babies between 0 and 24 months of age. It is an observation aid grid validated by research. The ADBB was developed by Pr. A. Guedeney (child psychiatrist, Hôpital Bichat Claude Bernard, AP/HP Paris). The Baby Distress Alarm Scale (ADBB) is an observation aid for child professionals (pediatricians, child psychiatrists, psychologists, childcare workers, educators etc…). It is used in clinics (screening), for the evaluation of interventions, for research. Methods: self-training with access to office hour online (on Zoom) available every month (except august) with the trainer and forum access to ask question. Estimated overall duration: 35 hours This training is 100% online and self-directed training. We explain how it works
À propos de cette formation
À distance
À partir de 1 250€ HT (Entreprise)
À partir de 950€ HT (Individuel)
120 jours
35 heures
Action de formation
Chiffres clés
Taux de satisfaction à chaud : 9 / 10
Date de création
En savoir plus
Objectifs pédagogiques
- Define relational withdrawal,
- Understand the links between relational withdrawal and developmental risk,
- Cite key findings from research on relational withdrawal and the validity of the scale,
- Cite and define each of the items on the ADBB scale,
- Be aware of the legal, ethical and technical requirements for conducting an assessment,
- To detect a baby in relational withdrawal in all assessment situations in a reliable manner,
- Assess the severity of relational withdrawal in a reliable manner.
- 1 - Introduction and The theoretical foundations of the ADBB scale
- 2- The manual and To build a representation of relational withdrawal
- 3- Learn how to use the scale
- 4- Deepening
- 5- Difficult items and revaluation
- 6 - Case studies
Parmi les formateurs
Alexandra Deprez, B-Families Docteur en psychologie, formatrice certifiée pour l’ADBB, formatrice experte et tutrice pédagogique. Psychologue pour enfant et adolescent. Formée à la psychopathologie périnatale et à différents outils d’évaluation de l’attachement (CARE-Index, Adulte Attachement Interview, situation étrange, Procédure Crowell..) et différentes modalités d’interventions thérapeutiques attachement informées et Trauma Informées : Theraplay, EMDR etc..
L'organisme de formation
L'humain au coeur de la pédagogie
Public concerné
- psychologists,
- pediatricians
- doctors
- child psychiatrists
- childcare workers
- child and family psychotherapists
- special educators
- psychometricians
- Knowledge of the normal development of the child between 0 and 2 years old
- Work with babies from 0 to 24 months
Conditions d'accès
Our training courses are accessible to people with disabilities, please notify your needs (one month before the training) in the tab provided on the pre-registration form. If you meet the pre-requisite criteria and the public concerned, we will adapt your welcome and teaching methods.
Délai d'accès
2 semaines
Diplôme / Certification
- Final Attestation (private certification) It is mandatory and involves the rating of 15 ADBB videos and the submission of your results to the trainer on an Excel file. Your results will be subject to a statistical test to determine your reliability in evaluating relational withdrawal. A final certificate will be given to you at the end of the training, informing you of the conditions under which you can use the ADBB Scale based on your results. This certificate is valid for a period of two years. Why this delay? Because a fine observation skill, if not maintained, diminishes with time. At the end of the training, you will be offered simple ways to maintain your ADBB skill, such as continuing with an online supervision group or joining the next ADBB scale training session as a peer tutor. The ADBB private certification is valid for 2 years, in fact, this knowledge has to be updated regularly and after 2 years it is possible that one has developed biases and feedback from an ADBB expert is necessary. You will be offered́ simple ways to maintain your skills in using the ADBB scale, such as: - By taking part in a 3-hour online ADBB scale reflective workshop, at least once every 2 years (if you have obtained private certification in the use of the ADBB scale - fee attached for your information to the training and on request). This workshop is a process to support changes in the implementation of the ADBB scale and to maintain babies' observation skills. NB It is necessary for participants to bring videos. - or if you wish to take or re-take the certification: by re-registering for a training session (specific reduced rate, including private certification to the ADBB scale) in the use of the ADBB scale. You will then become a peer tutor. This pedagogical process enables them to review content and improve their practices in observing the baby's relational withdrawal, and to refine their use of the ADBB scale. They ask questions related to their practice of observing babies' relational withdrawal and using the ADBB scale. Your questions, which are more in-depth, are a contribution to the other learners. You can help other learners to assimilate the content without giving the answers. You're in a meta (complex) position, which helps learners improve their skills.
- Reliability criteria: • Correlation .60: Use of the ADBB for screening purposes. • Correlation. 80: use of the ADBB for clinical, follow-up intervention, and research purposes. And with this level of reliability, you can qualify for ADBB-wide referent training. • Correlation .90: access to ADBB facilitator training, use of ADBB for expert purposes, possibility of using it for written reports.
- Valable pour 2 ans
Plus qu'une formation !
Équipe pédagogique
Objectifs pédagogiques
- ADBB and M-ADBB Handbook
- Vidéos
- On-line availability of support documents of the training.
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